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1199 Superleggera Rr - Project 1201 Koen

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by mygreenalien, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Might as well close this thread and start new one once the graph paper, blue and red crayons have been out.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. sorry FE the red crayon cant be revealed.......its a secret.:Banghead:
  3. perhaps LUIGI knows???
  4. This special SL or the new H2R? Which would you pick? Id pick this I think.
  5. cant really compare can you one is going to be about 24k? the other 55k plus what ever has been spent ? 30k ?guessing
  6. On the SL I can see where they get £54K from. Oh and I see one on a regular basis too. :)

    I don't think that the H2R will be made in LTD no's as the SL or will be as exclusive either.

    Lets face it who wants to pay £24K for Kawasaki that in 12 months will be a little more than £12-15K in value on a trade in? BMW S1000RR/ HP4 owners discovered this. Even spoke to a BMW employee who was offered £6500 less for 1 than what he paid less than 12 months previously.
    #426 samieb, Sep 30, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. i hope for him he was able to keep it under 90K.. what i strongly doubt... :)
    • Like Like x 2
  8. Having never seen a SL in real life, is the bike that much better quality than a normal 1199? £54k is a lot of mullah on a bike to me. Anything after £15k on a bike id get twitchy, but quite happily spend £60k on a used ferrari/lambo/R8.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I've seen an SL in real life and yes - they look quite absurdly tasty.

    Re BHP figure, I find this coyness slightly mystifying. He doesn't want to tell us, fine - it's not going to ruin my day. But it's not like publishing your address, phone number, salary, bank statement or even what the build cost was.

    If you start a thread documenting your über SL and what has been done to it, it's sort of normal to carry on until you get to the bit: "It now looks like this and makes x BHP". I suppose it is even conceivable that you might say "I'm not going to tell you the bhp figure as MR would sooner I didn't"

    If you want to be secretive about the whole thing, I can't see why you'd post about it at all.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  10. What truly does a standard one make? Not ducati figures , actual true ones? Maybe it didnt make much more than what a stock one "should make" . I just like the bling , no as fussed about the ponies.
  11. D8Mok, You more or less answered your own question. Yes it is totally different over a standard 1 and you can see the quality in them too. Its on another level by comparison.
  12. d8monk I believe a std one has about 174 at the wheel , you usually loose 10% from the crank figure
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Standard 174 on dyno at wheel . Can and pc5 fitted fueling done 191 at wheel
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Depends on dyno though.

    Anyway - what a pointless thread. I expected to see atleast a conclusion - yet all this secrecy. Not as if OP will be racing it at the highest level and his competitors are going to try to complain about him.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. yep hit the nail on the head not like sykes or guintoli are gonna want his bike stripped after the race lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Pmsl almost as funny as Fig thread!
  17. Just don't give it to TP to take it out of the pits :Bawling:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. he hee.......a legend in his own pit lane......Tony Perrin was in the ducati circles went back to Australia a couple of years ago...
  19. 800cc fast on a 583 tho...
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