Lol just joshing matey, I love it when peolpe make wholly 'inappropriate' changes to their bikes for no other reason than they can
You don't. In essence mine was just an itch I wanted to scratch to do it. A vanity project if you like - that said; the brake upgrade was priceless. Brilliant.
If folks are gonna spend 2k plus on pretty useless exhaust systems bar the nice sound then upgrading the brakes is a more sensible option that will see you actually feel a improvement imho.Same for carbon wheels or lightweight fuel tank.For me id also save money buying base model ducatis and then fit proper ohlins r&t forks from harris instead of what ducati gives you as oe. I always factor in how much im going to have to spend to replace shit standard parts before purchasing any ducati bike.Luckily I got mine second hand and previous owner had already made a good start to improving it.
Now that sounds like a great idea Bradders when the later pikes peak edition I like has depreciated enough.Trouble is there isn't a massive stock of mint new/used top spec parts on fleabay like when I purchased the sps 8 yrs ago so upgrades would cost me a lot more.Still it would make a better long distance bike than the sps for sure. If I really want a bike that goes anywhere I think id opt for a KTM Adventure S in blue.Hmmm nice and not a bad price now there a few yrs old.
What is the part number for your quick shifter please. Is it something that you can plug and play or do you need to do stuff. Can you install yourself or do you need an installer? I really want a QS on this beast. Is it this? TLS-iS2-LSPULL-C2
Looking at the blurb its plug and play. No set up or dyno needed. As to the model number, its dependant on which shift pattern you want, push / pull and what year your multi is.
I am assuming this is the part for a 2013 Multi Skyhook 1200 road use bike, I have emailed just to make sure. TLS-iS2-LSPULL-C2 1dn 5up road pattern Ducati Intellishift Quickshifter for Multistrada 2005 onwards both 2 and 4 spark plug models with standard road shift gear lever set-up £337.49 (ex UK VAT)
I've looked through the application list and that would be the one I would go for. I thought they were 2/4 spark dependant , so apologies for that. I have an interest in this so would appreciate it if you could pass on what they say for confirmation. Shame they don't have an offering that comes down the box also
Thank you. I am definitely confused now. Multistrada (2 spark plug models) 2005-2013 - Choose iS2 push, pull or DCS (dual push/pull) type Multistrada (4 spark plug models) 2014> onwards - Choose iS4 push, pull or DCS (dual push/pull) type
I'll check the box for the part numbers when I get home this evening and let you all know. I would definitely have it fitted by a dealer but then again as I said in my first post, I can hardly wire a plug!! :Banghead:
Ive had a Translogic QS fitted for a couple of years now Fitted it myself, not to hard (but I can twirl a spanner) hardest bit was getting the adjustment rod dialled in for the best shift, had to cut the damper rod down slightly and run a die down the thread to give a little more adjustment required. Although mine is fitted in a slightly different position to DUC2 See pic The push or pull actuator wasn't available when I purchased mine, so I went for the pull actuator which suits the multi gearshift set up for me You can also alter the ignition kill time using the little electronics box of tricks to get it as quick or slow as you like But I must say its brilliant, not only for looning around with the sports bike crowd, but very nice when the mrs is on the back short shifting without shutting the throttle off stops all the front suspension diving and stops the occasional helmet crashing and the mrs thinks its a better ride too!!
Thank you. Oddly There is nothing of that P/N listed for the Ducati fitments that I can see on their site.