Excessive wind ('uncledons' wings/wind deflectors)

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by chickenman, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. If you meant the existing screen knobs, then no, they don't work.
    The three thumb/finger bits are too long with the addition of the 1.6mm wing on the slider, and I didn't want to file them for clearance.
    I may want to use them in the future and keep them original.
  2. + 1 for a set also.
  3. Brilliant. Let me know when they're available!
  4. me 2 please, great job!
  5. Just spotted this, those side wings look smart, and I would also like a set if you produce a run. I have the aztec spacers fitted and they are great, but not perfect. Any additional improvements welcomed.
  6. I'd like to add my name to the list, just in case you're using numbers to decide on whether to go into production, very impressive looking addition to your bike.
  7. I've got the Puig small smoked screen fitted + spacers. I did a trip up to Elgin without spacers and it was still very noisy, no bufferting but noisy. I've just done a trip to the IOM, and it's still noisy

    To be honest I'm disappointed with it. Having said that, it's far better than the standard screen.

    It's a real shame, because I love the bike - just about everything else about it is brilliant.

    So just to clarify about these wind deflectors; once fitted, you can't change the height of the screen?
  8. Yes it can be made adjustable by using another set of thumb screws and nuts, as they are smaller and don’t rub the wings when tightening or loosening them.
    The existing knobs are too large and they're not solid where they need to be trimmed off.

    If the wings are fixed at the bottom of the slides not using the slider, the screen will now have movement from about 25% up to full height.

    I’ve set up some pics to illustrate it.

    As for me doing a batch run, it's too much hassle with international shipping, and each wing has to be fine tuned on the bike before painting.
    It was an easy DIY job for others to try as well. :smile: sorry guys.

    I've seen pics of the perspex CP style wings that Robin (also an Aussie) has produced, they look the part, and as I'm led to believe, may be available soon.

    Wings 158a.jpg

    Wings 162a.jpg
    #28 chickenman, Sep 3, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2012
  9. Hi there Chickenman, over the last three months I have undertaken a project to develop a set of wind deflectors for my Multistrada, inspired by the work done by Captain Plummet. The pictures and full story can be viewed on Andy W’s website at www.MTS1200.info

    The end result looks like this.



    The results are absolutely fantastic. The wind deflectors take away all the air pressure from your chest and shoulders and make riding the Multistrada very relaxing at high speed. As a side benefit, they changed the air flow around the handle bar wind protectors giving improved protection to your hands, and in particular your thumbs.

    But, the wind deflectors only solve half the problem. I tested them initially with my PUIG short screen up to 180 km on the freeway, and everything was fine, the chest and arms totally relaxed, your helmet of course is in the normal air flow you would expect with a short screen, but this is still much better than having your head tossed around in the turbulent airflow that comes over the top of the factory screen and it is much quieter.

    I have tested the wind deflectors with the standard screen and this showed what a dog of a screen it is. Whilst the bottom half of the body is perfectly protected with the wind deflectors, the air flow over the factory screen hits you straight in the helmet. Everyone would know how this affects both the noise levels inside, and the stability of the helmet. As yet, I have not had time to test the wind deflectors with the Aztec Spaces behind the factory screen but I would imagine the best solution would be to use the wind deflectors with a touring screen for a long trip and with a shorty screen any other time.

    Have built many more examples, based on a slight variation of the last pattern, using Lexan and Perspex, trying for a perfect fit so I can send examples to Eagle screens in Western Australia to encourage them to make the moulds, advise on the best fittings, and produce a batch of wind deflectors based on forum member interest. Have also sent an example of the earlier design to Andy W for testing.

    Finally, have now made some 2mm Perspex examples and sent them to Eagle Screens for evaluation. Fingers crossed


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  10. Looks good... :upyeah: Lets see how the feedback is...
  11. OMG, better pull my finger out.......will be done soon!
  12. What polish are you using? That Puig shot looks like Photoshop Extra Gleam:) Where does one get that?
  13. I have the Aztec Spacers also :) there great

    Also interested in a set of these
  14. I'm also up for a set of these at the moment I've just used black tape to find optimum shape to deflect wind
  15. Hmmmmm, lets see......deflector Wings from Chickenman...........ChickenWings!? :rolleyes:

    lol...........Well it was brand spanking new, quick wipe over with Pledge and got lucky with the light ;-) I'm a great fan of AutoGlym products by the way.
  16. Would be interested in a set of these too - please keep me informed
  17. I'd be happy to get the hammer and 6inch nails out to knock up a pair of these things :).

    Any instructions out there on how to do it?
  18. Hi t965m, could you please advise which set of wind deflectors you are referring to.
  19. RB anything back from the proposed manufacturers?
  20. Yep replied today. They said a mould could be made to produce them in numbers, were interested in estimated numbers, and me sending them a perfect set on which to base the mould. Perhaps an expression of interest could be sent to John at 'ESA'

    I also intend to call two other screen makers in OZ to sound them out.
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