Factory Racing 748

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Android853sp, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. Sometimes there is a little devil inside you that suddenly decides to pop up and make you do something you weren't going to. Saw auction posted for the third time whilst we are over here in Spain so I sent them a text and offered to have a chat when I got back to the UK if it had no takers again. Sadly missed the end of the auction so I have no idea if I'm coming back to a box full of toys or not. Andy
  2. And so the project continues. Dropped off the 748RS engines to MRs this morning and had a chat to Wilf and Baz about the way forward. To a knowledgeable eye first inspection confirms that both engines do appear to be just what they were advertised as. The inlet and exhaust ports have been extensively reworked with the valve guides getting a reduced profile on both engnes and it also looks like they both have lightened flywheels. Excited to see just what these ex BSB Supersport engines look like and have really got my hopes up for some seriously good figures when the rebuilt 853 gets on the dyno. I have been promised some photos so hopefully will have something to add to my album. Andy
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  3. Seen his pic on twitter, wondered if it was yours
  4. Yeah seen em on FB too, they reckon "this little job" should pay Danny Buchans wages for the year :Hilarious:

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. So I'm a Luddite and don't partake in any social media unless this forum qualifies as such, so I'd be very grateful if someone could reproduce the full tweet for me. Andy
  6. It said something like 'a lovely 748rs motor in fir some refresh work, not used since you last rode is @..... ' ( cant remember who it was, sean thingy I think)

    I think he's taking the piss ^^^^^ about Buchan's salary ;)
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  7. Happy with the humour, just disappointed that this is the second time I've been the sudject of a "business" tweet I knew nothing about. No harm in either of them but I have had no opportunity to feel included in something I love and am passionate about. Both engines are believed to be from Stuart Eastern's 2002 championship winning year engine allocation riding for Paul Bird's Monster Mob Supersport team. I am absolutely fascinated by what these engines look like that made the bike so competative. Andy
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  8. Get on twitter. Then follow the right people.
  9. How does finm do it ? Meh......
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  10. Yes that is them and one of the comments is from the bloke I bought them from. Andy
  11. Dave is ok. chill.........................................
  12. Capture.JPG
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  13. No problems with Dave, still keep in contact and at least he now knows that I did really buy all the stuff for my own use. Never easy when you are negotiating to buy a load of stuff convincing a total stranger you aren't trying to rip him off to make a profit. All itchy now waiting for MR to get on with it. Andy
  14. Spoke to Stuart (w/shop manager) this afternoon and both engines are already stripped and the gearboxes "rumbled". Video pending if we can work out how to post it. A few intriguing changes to components in the engine have been hinted at so I'm taking tomorrow afternoon off to go and have a look. Getting all tingly and excited ............ sad really :). Andy
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  15. So, one engine fully stripped and exactly as advertised, it has been refreshed. Turns out the engine dropped a valve and was completely rebuilt, run up on the bench and then put on the shelf. The gearbox is on the second of four stages of "rumbling", new bearings in the cases and the crank, con rod and (853) piston assembly off being balanced. Absolutely chuffed to bits that this engine has the very best of RS bits including an aluminium selector drum with the selector fork spigot that locates in the selector drum having a bearing bush to smooth gear selection. Got the full RS generator and a (very) lightened flywheel. Full RS cams and light weight valve springs ................ yummy. I have a few pictures and a video which I will try and add to an album. Interestingly it now appears that some of the spares I bought in the package are for a 916 Racing so need to chase down some part numbers. Andy
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  16. Just put up a few photographs in a new album. Bit anoraky but that is the way I am :). I have included the readout of the before and after balancing because I didn't think anyone would believe me, 0.1/0.00 in two planes, fantastic. Andy
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    • Thanks Thanks x 2
  17. Steve, if you look in the drop down Menu top left of the page, you will see Album, in there under 748RS to 853 I have just started to post a few pictures. Yes you are absolutely right about the selector fork mod. The crank was balanced as an assembly, crank, rods and pistons and unfortunately I don't know any more than that. There is a proper old fashioned engine shop opposite Moto Rapidos on the Winnal industrial estate in Winchester who have an excellent reputation that do the work. I'll need to look at the con rods when they come back from metrology and crack detection before I can answer your question but they have now been formerly identified as Pankl titanium 996RS con rods, same journal/wrist pin diameters and stroke as your 995 I believe. As to the cases, I'll have to ask. Good luck with your build and hopefully you will keep us abreast of your progress over time. Andy
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