899 Do Owners Of 899/1199/1299 With Termi's Run Baffles?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Phill748, Sep 29, 2015.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. With

  4. Without

  1. That's because you have left a section of the spindle and graphite gasket. From an engineers view the only way to do it properly is the cap and weld.
  2. Actually I didn't leave anything really cos I cut the whole lot out :), still gas tight with spindle & bush removed

  3. Yous must be a better fit than mine then..... I can see daylight between the cap and boss
  4. You're probably right this was an older 1098 system, sloppy tolerances on the newer models :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. All welded up image.jpeg
    • Like Like x 3
  6. Tip my hat to you sir..
    That is a good weld:upyeah:
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  7. Took it a short run (20ish miles) and am not sure I can hear any change. Maybe slightly louder but it was loud before so hard to tell.
  8. Ah well, t'was something to do though, right?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Didn't cost anything and in theory can only be a good thing completely removing the valve.
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  10. I'm on stock 1299 exhaust and its making my ears ring and that's with ear plugs. I was thinking akra with baffles might be the answer to a nicer quieter sound on long rides. Don't know how you guys ride with no baffles lol.
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  11. Agreed, the termi's sound pretty average with the baffles in. I like mine with the baffles out though and ear plugs. My buddy road it the other day though without his ear plugs in and said it was painful to ride.

    I never ride without ear plugs now, literally not even to the shop!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Is the akra with baffles quieter than stock? I want the option of loud for short rides around London etc and quiet it down for day long rides.
  13. I think subsequent posts answered the how to. In terms of benefits, mine had been disconnected. but not removed. When I took the part of the exhaust off that holds the flapper, it was open but not competely, so it was almost flat but not completely. So even disconnected, it's still in the exhaust gas flow and mine wasn't horizontal, so in effect, slightly blocking the air flow. Once removed, the effect was noticeable. Bike felt freer, more responsive. Of course, mine's a track bike, so I'm not worried about an MoT but I guess you'd fail emissons on a road bike.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Would still pass a mot.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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