Anyone Here Skydive?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Joe748, May 14, 2016.

  1. Best adranalin Rush you'll ever experience
  2. Basically 2 ways to become qualified
    1 RAPS ram air progression system - more jumps required but less expensive, start on static lines at 3000ft and progress higher and longer delays until into actual free fall.
    2 AFF accelerated free fall, 1 day ground training and then straight to altitude (12500ft) with 2 instructors progress to 1 instructor following successful completion of exercises after 4 jumps. Another 4 jumps with no 8 combining all exercises. Land all jumps under instruction from radio strapped to helmet. Complete 10 solo jumps and awarded A licence. I'm out of touch with course costs but would suggest the AFF to be around £1500 -£2000. Then it starts to get expensive! A new complete rig can cost anything up to 6k, jump suit £200-£500 helmet, altimeters, another £500. Once kitted out jumps to altitude are surprisingly cheap at £20ish depending on DZ.
    I have details of the best instructor in the business who regularly runs trips just for AFF abroad if anyone interested. All this talk of jumping, I may just dust off my licence
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Here's a helicopter jump over Newark, I remember it was bloody cold! I've jumped all manner of planes and helicopters and a balloon in the US.
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  4. Oh please start a new thread on microlights, would love to read about it.
  5. five.JPG
    No but I'll tease you with a picture! 100hp Rotax engine, two seats and loads of fun.
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