increased body weight, soon be back to totally out of shape.. got invited to play golf, problem I can't play golf. Trying to get some clubs, how hard can it be?
Buying clubs, or playing? One is easier than the other ( depending if you are called tigger) or not .
Went for a hoon round essex ended up in finchingield for a glass of lemonade and a natter in the evening sun. Been a decent Tuesday to be fair.
On my way home, I was behind an 848 for only a few hundred yards in traffic, jez it sounded good. I was sooooooo fuckin happy, made my day.
One pulled up next to me yesterday, they really do sound bloody great! The 899 sounds like a bag of spanners falling down the stairs compared with an 848!
Cool..........I can't say anything about the 899, but I'm sure the 848 had termi pipes. It was just such a lovely thing. I'm lucky I didn't get wrecked looking at it.
What about us all getting an invite to your house, there's enough bikes to do half of England. We could all bring our own battery. Think of the cable sales!