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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Loz, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. yip. thats your area of expertise init? :Finger: :Smuggrin::smileys:
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Always inventing stuff, you folks. Problems, mainly.

    A very inventive lot!
  3. I think even I got that one ^ :smileys:
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  4. I only learnt recently that Yogi Bear originated there, all them yanks have got is Mickey Mouse, ha!
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. you would need to live in total isolation not to have got that one chris. :smileys:
    subtlety never been one of loz's strong points.
    but maybe he (it is a he isn't it?) meant the northern Britons are good at identifying problems. you need the brain to eliminate the brawn
  6. fin, play nice. Not everyone enjoys your claymore-like wit :)

    Oh, and stop inventing problems ;)
  7. it's all in your imagination Fin :smileys:
  8. ok :Sorry:
    sorry chris sorry loz :(
  9. Noogie time!
  10. :Asshat:'s :Finger::Smuggrin::Hilarious::smileys:
  11. thats what they want you to believe. :Angelic::smileys:
  12. not never do you have to apoligise to me Fin, I upset everyone given time.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  13. it was an attempt at a totally simplistic link between 'imagination' and 'inventing' Fin but I forgot to factor in 'overtime' :smileys:
  14. and of course I meant Logie Baird earlier, he of the telephone.

    what a dude
    • Useful Useful x 1
  15. There you go. Inventing extra hours in the workshop for "mysterious rough-running problems".

    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. worst invention ever (the phn) :Angelic::smileys:
    re overtime i never used to. in fact i would never take a dump until 5pm cant beat a turd on time and a half.
    funnily enough now i pay the wages overtime constantly slips me mind
  17. you said you had a load of shit to deal with after work just the other day. (seems to ring an Alexander Graham anyway)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. never any shortage of shit to deal with in the motor trade
  19. I would have a cup of Tea but milk gone off again, why can't someone invent milk that lasts for my lifetime? seems reasonable to me..
  20. remember it well but it was only later I found out it's not exclusive to motor tirade.
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