you would need to live in total isolation not to have got that one chris. :smileys: subtlety never been one of loz's strong points. but maybe he (it is a he isn't it?) meant the northern Britons are good at identifying problems. you need the brain to eliminate the brawn
it was an attempt at a totally simplistic link between 'imagination' and 'inventing' Fin but I forgot to factor in 'overtime' :smileys:
worst invention ever (the phn) :Angelic::smileys: re overtime i never used to. in fact i would never take a dump until 5pm cant beat a turd on time and a half. funnily enough now i pay the wages overtime constantly slips me mind
you said you had a load of shit to deal with after work just the other day. (seems to ring an Alexander Graham anyway)
I would have a cup of Tea but milk gone off again, why can't someone invent milk that lasts for my lifetime? seems reasonable to me..