What's A Good Length Security Chain To Get?

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by dubcat, Sep 2, 2016.

  1. Where did you place the anti pinch pin on the 848?
  2. Just through the rear wheel spindle, I do the same on the 1299.
    I've put foam on the mushroom end so it doesn't scratch the wheel.

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  3. That's odd, previous poster said that they say on the site that pinch pin wont for through 848. What size pinch pin did you get? I will get the same :)
  4. There is a school of thought that says get the shortest chain you can get away with, the idea being a shorter chain is harder to move about to make cutting easier. It is of course also lighter which is useful if you need it to be portable...
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  5. Agree. Also you should try to keep it off the floor.

    Thing is the chain does need to be long enough wrap around street furniture.
  6. I'll measure it later.
    Been a few years since I bought it :)

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  7. Thanks. On the pragmasis site it specifically says not compatible with 848
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