Healtech Qs Fitting.

Discussion in 'Hypermotard' started by comfysofa, Aug 26, 2016.

  1. Back now...well it doesn't work quite yet so ill have to wait to the weekend to do some testing and also call healtech tomorrow to get some help....everything is connected and working (apart from the actual cutting of the ignition)...so, working is the..

    a. connection to the unit from the phone. (so, Bluetooth connectivity)
    b. sensor is working - the phone is registering the gear lever being pushed and pulled.

    Going through the setup on the phone the only part that's failing is the cutting of the ignition. When I fitted the loom to the coils the instructions just said "fit the harness to the coils" two of the coil plugs had slightly different wiring to the other but the instructions didn mention the specific fitting of particular coil plugs to a specific cylinder....although I don't know why one cylinder would be different to the other but ill find out tomorrow...
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  2. What's the plug with the red link wire for ?
  3. Just a blanker - a passthrough if you want to disconnect it without taking it all out...
  4. Ahhhhh OK

    You figured it out yet ? Connections and earthing connector all good ? (Not to sounds patronising)
  5. Not yet - contacted healtech - had the initial email back about make model, etc etc....ive got it grounded on the frame up at the top by the ecu....I might try another ground point when I get home just for the sake of it....the only thing I think is a bit hazy is the harness plugging into the loom....they didn't seem very (the instructions) specific and two of the plugs have a red square on each one...
  6. You'd assume the red square ones go to the same coil connections
  7. yeah - which is what ive done but they don't say which ones the red squared ones should go on...ie the upper or the lower (not that it would make a difference I know) I thought one would have gone on one and one on the other but the wiring it too tight for that to work....ill see what they say...as you can see...
  8. Yeah seems strange that one plug has 3 wires and the rest just one...

    Maybe it's something to do with the firing order and the 3 wire plug needs to be on the first firing cylinder which I assume is Horizontal as that is named cylinder 1 by Ducati
  9. Well, ive been in contact with the Healtech support over the weekend....(I can only guess this lad is watching a mailbox as he's been replying within the hour at all hours but that's been good). They reckon ive got the harness wiring right and that it doesn't matter which way round the two pairs go, this is confirmed by me leaving the bike running and then pulling the harness wire to the module and the bike's engine cuts. So, to that end they think the module is faulty. Now the only thing that I think is a bit weird (and this could be down to the harness) is that the ground wire that I have to connect to the frame/battery/engine....wherever I ground it the bike becomes harder to start....ie a few turnover's to get it going whereas - right now the loopback plug is in and the ground from the harness is disconnected it starts within half a turn, ie instantly....

    @mechanico lee - your the electrical master - does that mean that my harness wiring needs to be checked or something else??
  10. Strange.....I'm taking it none of your other QS' have that happening ?
  11. Nope but theyre totally different in the way they work....the HM is kinda the same but has no connectivity...you just set it from the display but there is only one setting for the timing....the rsv4's is a retro fitted factory qs so its integrated in the ecu and ive got a section of the wiring from the newer aprc model so all the wiring is integrated also...
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  12. Fingers crossed they get you a new one in the post ASAP
  13. Got it with me today so hopefully ill get something back by Wednesday/Thursday.....got the clutch to sort out too....(fitted but a little bit grabby at the pull-away) - got a tub of lithium grease on order (apparently that stops it) - on the plus side its even lighter and definitely smoother.....need to order a clutch holding tool at the end of the month so I can service it when it comes around....
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  14. Well! - I didn't expect that!!....spoke to the supplier this morning (James) and he was really helpful...have to return the QSe for a replacement then found out I was talking to "THE!" James Hillier....what a thoroughly nice bloke.!...but then whenever ive seen him being interviewed on telly/YT he always seemed like a nice bloke anyway...
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  15. Cool.....let's hope he posts as quick as he rides :D

    I just missed out on meeting Richard Cooper after his BSB win......He's the van driver at Nottingham Ducati where I got my Hyper but he'd just gone out as I got there....
  16. After finding that out I did say "how the fuck do you do it!?!" to which he replied "well - you just hang on really!....."
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  17. Right..... After all the arsing around with it I got it working! Turns out i think it actually worked in the first place! No matter what I did run in through the setup step 3 was the engine cut.... No matter how I wired it it failed. So this afternoon I thought (after stripping it again) I'd bypass that and see what happened.... Fucker works... Awesome...

    Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
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  18. Awesome mate.......Enjoy !
  19. Haven't tried the downshift yet.... Back in now but going to work tomorrow at 5.30am.....flat out!

    Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Ha ha ha

    Good man
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