1200 DVT Oil Consumption

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Simon Audi, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. THE FRIDAY I HAD TO PASS the annual revision the marker was in 7993, bearing in mind that I changed the oil with about 989 km the first time, the oil was 7000 km or so. The multi makes 3.8 liters of oil to the red streak of the photo, take measurement of the oil that came out to change and take 3.55 liters so that the consumption in 7000km has been of 0.25 liters and the kilometers have been done by All types of roads, and types of driving from highways to very small mountain passes with travel between second and third speed over 60 km.

    The red line is where I left the oil when I put the 3.8 liters and I took a picture of how far I had gone down and the oil that I took before measuring it

    I hope you serve them.

    IMG_8724 2.JPG

  2. My 2016 Multi has been burning oil since first service, I've been asked to complete 2000km from a complete oil change 3.8L .
    1400km oil has disappeared from sight glass.
    Getting fed up!
  3. Hi

    2015 DVT with nearly 1700) miles

    On mountain roads in the Alps - lots of opening and closing/blipping throttle - 0.45 litre for 210 miles.

    Total trip 2100 miles best part of 3 litre used.
  4. No idea how much oil my DVT uses, but it does use a fair bit. In 14,000 miles I've probably had to top it up from bottom of sight glass to top of sight glass about 4 times, not including whatever the difference might have been when it had it's 9000 mile service in Jan. I think a lot depends on how it's ridden. My daily commute is stop-start-stop-start city of London riding.
  5. Motorway speeds + / constant revs even for short distances is when mine loses it quickest. always has done from new
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Topped up.0.5 litre between 600 mile service and 1 year service at 7000 miles, so barely fuck all used. All conditions, ridden fairly hard, and includes one spain/france tour. :upyeah:
  7. Interesting as I never put any oil in my 2010 in 29k miles, other than at the annual/mileage servicing.

    That said, if it is still between the lines and the light stays off, I don't pay a fat lot of notice to it anyway.
  8. Ducati Aylesbury told me that from their experience the DVT engine seems to consume more oil than earlier models and surmised that nominal losses through the DVT mechanism might account for a slightly elevated rate of consumption in the DVT engine.
  9. Never topped oil up once on my 2010 either
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  10. The only way to loose oil is to burn it or have it leak out of the engine. The DVT mechanism does neither of these
  11. That sounds like horse shit mate ??
  12. The third way is out via the Breather System.
    I am told that the DVT when running at a fairly constant revs (ie motorway) will create an oil mist in the Air box / breather system that collects and then will go out via the breather exit pipe when it builds up in the breather system. The system works on a vacuum principle to recycle any oil mist and at constant revs there is no vacuum to recycle the oil mist. If you vary the revs the vacuum is created and they don't use oil - i.e. everyday use. I have no idea if this is correct but it sounds plausible and it is a complicated system - blame the Californians for it.

    My DVT uses little or no oil on normal twisty road usage but on a long motorway slog it will use quite a bit of oil, 200ml in 500 mile autobahn slog.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. As per Veetwin states is how I see oil usage, I have used 200ml in 40 miles, it seems to get to a certain level around the bottom of the oil glass and does not drop after that or seems to where ever you ride it, BUT and here is the big BUT for me, if I rode my DVT down an autobahn flat out for a tank full of petrol would the oil pressure be so high to pump out enough for the engine to seize?????? not something I want to try.
    Also I am not sure what DVT's it effects, seems mostly the first ones mine is a 15 plate, done over 15k miles but it has used oil since day one but as I said only on motorway, minimal use on twisty and varying revs.
  14. Rubbish!
  15. I think this was the reason for the airbox mod that came out, not sure it had anything to do with performance increase, I think its more likely a mod to stop the engine breathing in some of its own oil at constant throttle motorway riding, and perhaps why some of the later DVT models don't seem to suffer as bad..? That's my 2 pence worth anyway...??
  16. Mine is a 2017 bike and its in for first service tomorrow at 620 miles. I have followed the running in procedure to the letter and it has gone full to minimum during the 600 miles. I will ask the dealer tomorrow what they think .
  17. Hey what do I know? It's pure conjecture. I asked Ian (I believe he's the service manager) at Ducati Aylesbury if the oil consumption on the DVT was a common thing and he said what I just repeated. I'm not so much inclined to agree that it's the DVT mechanism that's the culprit as I've just got nothing else to compare it to except all my 4 cylinder Jap bikes which never consumed any oil in any noticeable quantity at all. I'm not at all concerned about my DVT using oil, as I almost expect it of any engine to one degree or another. In fact I'm actually more astonished that all my Jap bikes consume so little!
  18. Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I'm just repeating what I was told and I don't necessarily agree myself. If DVT engines appear to be consuming more oil then without more evidence one can only say that the DVT element being the culprit whilst being the most significant difference between previous versions of the Multi, it is purely anecdotal.
  19. No engine should burn oil in my view, unless it is highly race tuned, or very high reving race tuned, Rotary and designed to do so, and even then it is so minimal. DVT engine was not designed to burn / use oil, there is a design problem, (I personally think it is a crank pressure problem) but no one is sure what it is. (well Ducati have not let on to anyone) I am not convinced that the revised air box was designed to solve the problem, certainly Ducati have not admitted it, even after asking my dealer if it would solve it, (they never answered me)
    The specs that manufacturer give out for burning oil are ridiculous and just a get out clause, a Good Tight engine will burn such a small amount it is not noticeable, as many other have said previous good running version of the Multi mine included burnt no oil that ever needed topping up, in the 13k miles I rode it.
    I bet if all of the early DVT's were rode hard down the motorway you would be shocked how bad the problem is, mine like som others does not seem to use hardly any if rode around twisties and general day to day riding on normal roads, it is only riding down a motorway at a constant speed for a period of time.
    Another note is my Exhaust Termi end can and back of my Number Plate is black as black could be and dam hard to remove
  20. I’ve used an extra 3 litres in 14000 miles, I don’t mind though as it seems to run fine.
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