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Thanks everyone, problem solved. It was indeed the air temp sensor. I’d left it on the old fairing bracket.
What is that black square thing at the bottom then? What you said makes sense as I have no air temp displayed. Have I inadvertently taken the...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Just reassembled the front and I’m left with this connector on the loom at the front. Doesn’t seem to be anywhere to stick it? Help!
Hi, I’d like this if still available?
Hi, could I have the second (frayed) pair please.
Many years ago I was a Police Officer and regularly used to sit behind cars oblivious to flashing lights and sirens, some people just switch off... One just popped up on eBay buy...
Yes please mate, in Lincoln also. Instructions here if you need them, I’d...
How convenient, I’m in Lincoln and need my suspension setting up.
[MEDIA] Keanu has one that he says was in the film given to him by the directors, but it can’t be as it’s a 998 and not the 996 in the film. I...
At what point did Ducati drop the ball quality wise then? Or have they always been crap? I’ve only ever had Ducatis so couldn’t tell how they are...
Give me first dibs then, I’ll start saving now! I’m 6’2 so I could do with a boost.
Outbid , but for £251 I’d want it to be made of gold and wank me off whilst riding. I’m not bitter at all.