Separate names with a comma.
Good stuff! Can get it through work cheap. It's glycol based so thought it should be okay plus it's Bugatti approved.
That's a yes then
Is this okay to use? Cheers Andy [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Are they the abs plastic ones like original?
Just thought you'd like to know... I bought my 848 knowing it had a leaking rad so knew I either needed a new one or a used one off the bay!...
Ta mate
I know "which aftermarket fairing" has been asked before but I need THE definitive answer. I'd like some race replica road fairings that I can...
As above and close to west London if possible please.
848 2008 Cheers
I've had to take the fairing off to get to the radiator which has sprung a leak and I have to say the fairing panels were a complete bastard...