Separate names with a comma.
Don't forget the porridge. And the flapjacks!
Could you sit on the fence a bit more Chris? I'll buy you a bacon roll? :Smuggrin:
Weather looks good. Will be at the BP garage between Ripley and Guildford at about 07.30 if anyone else is going that way.
Never knew that! It is version 3 and same age as the bike. I had a Weak light on the old battery when not connected to the bike this morning, so...
Yes I do have an alarm but it has been on the bike since I bought it. Anyway, last night I looked at the Optimate before I went to bed and it was...
This was the first thing I thought of but I have checked everything including charging the battery with the permanent connector on it, but just...
Since getting my 1098 in 2008, it has almost never been used in the wet and is always kept in my garage with an Optimate connected to the battery...
Don't know many people who drive cars in full leathers!
Having now checked the weather, I am almost certain to go. The wife and I will be on the bike going through Haslemere about 8.00, then on to...
I'll be coming down the A3 to Guildford, then through Milford, Haslemere and Midhurst if anyone is going that way. Probably hit Guildford at about...
Ok Sticky, I hadn't looked into it properly. However, I've just installed it on my Galaxy S2 and it works. No idea what it does to the battery...
Haven't tried it yet but it looks like SkyGo was available as of this Feb.
You never know Ken. Mind you, we do miss Suzie, who apart from being rather partial to a slice or two herself, often brought it along strapped to...
Would definitely been up for it guys, but will be taking daughter back to uni, along with a term's supply of food and washing! If anyone brings...