Separate names with a comma.
Had something similar and it turned out to be sticky throttle bodies, not enough lube applied at the factory apparently. Repaired under warranty....
The old ones are the best....jokes I mean....
There are some pics I need to keep to myself
14?? Show off....that’s technically vest and pants weather up here (obviously helmet and gloves too)
Ta very much. Took it to work today....4 degC!
Makes sense...I was a tad suspicious seeing her smiling upon my return
I mean the video....tried to upload but size matters. Sorry folks it been a long day and wine appears to have crept into a school night.
Video taken but the sound’s a bit crap....and it’s too big apparently. Never had that before
Apologies, didn’t realise I had a Ducati forum neighbour!
Just pics, not videos although done on the iPhone so the ‘live’ thing might come into play. I did take a video but the sound doesn’t do it justice.
Full Termi system fitted, one happy owner, several unhappy neighbours and my better half gets a few minutes warning I’m close to home (cue...
Thanks for all the comments. 2 weeks until the run in service and Termi... left behind the Abba stand....true Blue Peter style! [ATTACH]