1200 Pikes Peak Will Not Fire Up At Start Button

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Rebel, Dec 24, 2017.

  1. Bloody hell...!!!!!!
    I hope Trump doesn't have that problem when he is tweeting !?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. The fault has been found, it was the ignition switch... You could switch on but when the switch was in the upper position it wasn't making contact inside... A new switch is coming from Italy...
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  3. Excellent.
    That should be you sorted then :)
  4. Good to know that you've found the cause. I never had problems with the RH switch gear but the LH one gave problems with accessing the menus. A good dose of a proprietary contact cleaner sorted it.
  5. The Old superseded switch on the left and the new on the right...

    • Like Like x 2
  6. Next time have the hair of the dog before taking a picture.... your DT's are really bad today.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  7. Probably cause I have a old phone and am just impatient, no too fussed if its in focus
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. I had the same problem, so took apart the key fob removed the battery, cleaned the bottom connector with an emery board, put the battery back in and it started.
  9. I catch similar problem at my MS1000ds few days ago.
    For first i check battery,after starter. Battery -ok. I checked the starter by directly connecting the positive terminal on the starter and the battery. Starter is dead..
    When I removed and dismantled the starter, I saw that the problem was in the very worn brushes. In addition, they are burnt.


  10. A new starter in Russia costs about 400 EUR. But I found a way out of this situation. In the nearest store, was purchased starter brush kit from Lada 2110. The brushes were a bit larger in size than necessary. I took the file and sharpened the edges a bit. Now I have solved this problem.

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  11. Hi Alex, I hope your repair lasts longer than mine did (1 week).
    Good luck mate.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. All repairs took me a couple of days.)))
    But i find another little problem with clutch....
  13. Same here.
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