the other half!...

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by speno, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. The Guzzi...

    View attachment 13436

    She's up for sale now (£4k if you're interested). Was supposed to be selling the fuglystrada to pay for a holiday, but I can't sell it, it's too much fun.
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  2. Yep it is the bike that is in the magazine .all my own work except for the paintwork . If you are like me it is the best thing you have ever done learning to ride :)
  3. What a small world. Really well done, the bike looks amazing and the story behind it was brilliant :biggrin: I may have to send you my copy to sign :tongue:
  4. Yep it is a small world !! Yep send it up and I will sign it :)
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  5. never seen one of them before?....what guzzi is it?...
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  6. It's a Griso; this is the 1100 version, 2-valve engine, but there's the 4-valve 1200 too. Still old tech in 1100 guise, but the chassis is spot-on and the build quality much better than most people expect. Cracking bike, but I need to sell one of my bikes and the fuglystrada has wormed it's way into my affections, so it's the Guzzi that has to go.
  7. Iv'e got a Griso as well, same model. Cracking bike, shows a few others up cross country!
  8. Iv'e also have one of these!


  9. Sweet. Proper swingarm too.
  10. My dirty little secret.

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  11. Cute though Bex :upyeah:
  12. I agree. How can you wear white boots with black leathers :frown:
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  13. :biggrin:
  14. You know what they say, white boots......
  15. Howdo!

    Here's me daily commuter :upyeah: Cracking piece of kit only let down by the brakes - new M/C inbound.

    2012 WSB Donnington.jpg
  16. Newbie to the forum. Here's my other toy, she gets screwed all the time. Fun fun fun!
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  17. 100_1390.jpg Gone now but was a very nice bike!

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