Leo Vince De-cat pipe fitted; now which Exhaust can?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by AirCon, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. I already pm Chris asking his help.
    Can I send only the ECU?
    Bike operates in a totally different environment, much higher temperature. Yesterday was 22c...
    How about Rexxer? Anyone knows about this mod?
  2. This is just a complete and utter weather bragg and this post should be removed immediately .......... 2 deg here and getting colder :( SAF
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  3. To the guys with the same set up did you manage to get the bracket from the exhaust can to reach the passenger foot rest?
    Mine is a good 2-3" out? Double checked everything then got an engineer to check. He came to the same conclusion.
    You cannot get the supplied bracket to support the end can?
  4. Yes, to insalll the end can only took 30-45', pretty straight forward. For the bracket I had to push a bit to reach the foot rest's screws, about 1-2mm. Did you put the small mid-pipe, between the end-can and the main tubes?
  5. Yes I did fit the mid pipe and twisted it, but something is still out.
    It only took 10 minutes to fit, but there is no way I can get the bracket to fit.
    Please can you send a photo of the right hand side of the bike from about 5' away...I would like to see the angle.
    I think something is wrong or missing. Note the standard exhaust end can does not have any additional support and that weighs 3 times as much!
  6. here are the photos...
    IMG_0661.JPG IMG_0662.JPG IMG_0664.JPG



  7. Got a couple of questions regarding the Leo de-cat. Do you need to adjust the fuelling if you use the de-cat and the standard end can and can you still use the center stand?
  8. Dude...where did that cool Black bracket come from?

    I purchased both the decat and the end can, but I never received a bracket.
    My diagram shows it connecting to the rear passenger footpeg...and clearly it doesn't as mine is in exactly the same place as yours!!!
  9. First the De-cat was installed. Too loud for my taste, so then I bought the end-can. The bracket came in the box of the end-can. Possibly, the wrong bracket was included in your 'box' of LV.
  10. Anyone taken off the hideous Leo Vince sticker? Does it come off easily? Really fancying the black combo followed by a tune at CJS. Still saving the readies....
  11. FATDUCs? whatsat then?
  12. I think I'd have the can in satin black and remove the decal to complete the look.
  13. Took the plunge and ordered the decat and black end pipe. First thing I did upon opening the box was remove the ugly decal. Came off easily with a hair drier leaving no mark.

    Fitting was relatively straightforward following the guide on Andy's site. The original exhaust was a bit of a pig to remove from the rear header pipe. Hardest part of the LV install was extracting the exhaust valve actuator. Pivoting the rear subframe was a must but even then it was really difficult to extract as the cable prevents it sliding backwards. Got there in the end.

    Loving the look and the sound.

  14. Selling the LV decat. Anyone interested pm me.
  15. Anyone fitted LV with Termi stubby and retained centre stand?? My stand is fouling heat shield?? I think it's because Termi can now sits few inches further forward!! I know I know I should dump it but its so practical!!! God I'm 33 shoot me now;))
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