My Current Project

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by motecben, Mar 30, 2020.

  1. Been trying out a bit of bodywork today and fitting the Sigma Performance slipper clutch. Still no oil cooler. Trying to repair the original at the moment but it may still go to ratshit. Electrics now work as far as I can test it out. Done some repair work on the battery mounting. IMG_0466.JPG IMG_0467.JPG IMG_0469.JPG IMG_0471.JPG
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  2. Looks brilliant
  3. Hi Ben. Don’t know if you’re on Facebook or not. Just seen this.

  4. I avoid facebook but my son is on it.... Do you have some sort of link/address?
  5. It’s looking great mate your doing a superb job... The DF are so proud of you... X
  6. Sorry mate. No idea how to do that but here’s a better photo. Tell him to go to that page. Hope this helps...

  7. Thanks. I will set him on it.
  8. If you struggle, I’ll contact him for you?
  9. Been doing a trial fit on bodywork and there is a small tang moulded into the near side rear of the side panel. It interferes with the mounting onto the belly pan. Does anyone know what it is for before I lop it off?

  10. Don’t lob it off. That’s supposed to locate into the engine casing where you have the belly pan fixed to.
  11. So you can have one or the other. I think all the Rs have that tang on the side panel. At least mine does.
    #71 bettes, May 10, 2020
    Last edited: May 10, 2020
  12. Nose fairing is a bit battered. 998R ones should be plastic so should I repair this original one, find a second hand replacement or fit a carbon one? Bearing in mind that I will have to get quite a lot of paintwork done before its complete.

  13. If you did get a second hand one, you’d still probably end up having to get it painted for a perfect match.
  14. Ian. The parts list shows a bolt holding the belly pan on. Are you saying that the tang holds the belly pan on in that hole? That would seem a very strange fitting.
  15. Get it painted with all the other stuff. Usually a lot cheaper.
  16. Yes, it goes in there.
  17. You have both alternatives so it’s up to you really. Maybe some came with them and some came fitted with the belly pan fixing bracket.
  18. Bugger. I turned up a nice bit of threaded tube and glued it into the engine case! However if that bolt is not there, the belly pan just hangs off either side of the side fairing when one piece is removed? Is the belly pan just supported by the side panels and the tang on yours Ian?
  19. Yes Ben. Sounds daft but with the pressure from the front V panel and the side panel located in that hole, it all becomes solid enough
  20. mmmm. Thanks for the info. I will have another play with it.
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