V4 Bluetooth Pairing Problem

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by dudicus, Oct 14, 2022.

  1. That’s good to hear. I’ll have a bash at connecting it one day.
  2. They give you a print out of what they updated?
    Would be useful to be able to hand the dealer techs exactly what to look for
  3. I just had mine done yesterday.
    There is an update, but it does NOT come up when they scan for it.
    I had 2 updates show when scanned, that got applied
    Then they dug through the system and found it. The notes for the update specifically states that it allows connection of Pixel 7 phones.

    I have a Pixel 7 Pro running Android beta 14.2 and it came up on dash instantly
  4. Sorry missed your message, glad you got it sorted! :)
  5. Dredging this back up...

    The new Pixel 8 Pro paired up immediately to my Pikes Peak.
    No need to worry if anyone is planning to upgrade... as long as you got the special update from Ducati a few months ago
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  6. Hello everyone.
    Same issue here. Google Pixel 7 is not visible from Ducati system.
    Tried to downgrade from Android 14 to Android 13 but still no luck.
    Tried to reset bluetooth connection - no luck also.
    Contacted both Ducati and Google let's see what happens...
  7. Go to the dealer. I've already posted what needs done. There is a special update in the DDS to allow the Pixel 7. It even has the description of "allows Pixel 7 phones to connect"
  8. @WyldCFh called the dealer this morning. He told me that I have installed all the latest updated. He does not specify any special updates for Pixel 7. I'm going to write a support request on Ducati official.
  9. Unfortuantely, I do not have the info for the update as my dealer did not charge me for it. But I stood there and watched them install it and as soon as it was done my Pixel came up instantly.

    They need to look a little harder
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  10. YES!! Finally I got it!
    @WyldCFh you are right: there is an "hidden" update related to Google Pixel.
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