Can you help at all! I have a 2010 ducati with (2black keys) 1 was lost . I want to copy the remaining key and have 2x black keys that are the same can this be done with the min zed bull?. Thank you
If you have 2 x black keys then the code card data can be calculated from the transponder in the keys. Read the key transponder using a Zedbull Mini then use my MK10 Excel tool to calculate the bypass code.
You can still calculate the bypass code from the single key. This code will allow programming of a new key. The new key needs to have a coded transponder, not one of the blank cloning keys off ebay.
Hi chrisw, i have a Ducati 848 evo 2012 I lost my two black keys but fortunately I have the code card. I already have a Zed Bull and the T5 chips to write the code. Is there a way to know the code of my original keys? Or should I write new keys and use the PROG function of the motorcycle to overwrite the previous keys? Also thank you for sharing this information.
Read the PDF file attached to my first post. That tells you how to recover the transponder codes from the dash. Alternatively Do you have someone who can cut a key from the mechanical code? If so then you could get two new keys from Ducati and use the bypass code to enter key programming mode.
Yes, I have someone who can do the mechanical code, I will remove the ignition switch and take it, I also already have the blank keys. Do you think that the keys that Ducati sells are random? That is, if I write the PDF code with Zed Bull to a chip and then use PROG on the bike, do you think it will accept that code?
I do have one question which doesnt seem to have been addressed. using the mini zedbull reader, does it need to be the one that connects to a PC, as the stand alone ones dont give much info. what I mean, I want to decode the code card numbers from reading the key (black or Red), and not actually clone any keys. can someone clarify where to read that data so then it can be transformed as per attached spreadsheet?
Stand alone will do the job. The info required is displayed on the ZedBull. For bikes with just two black keys use my MK10 excel tool. For bikes with a red key and two black keys use my excel tool for that type and the code from the red key.