Excessive wind ('uncledons' wings/wind deflectors)

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by chickenman, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. Andy, if it helps, I have standard, Givi and MRA flappy screens for my Multi so would be happy to assist in back to back testing if you need further guinea pigs......
  2. That's got to be one of the naffest marketing videos I have seen for some time.
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  3. So how does an Aussie get his hands on these ? I do own three screens now must say the wind noise is my biggest complaint !
  4. Bails, send me a PM with your address and I will send you a prototype set to try. With a bit of luck this might stop you returning to the dark side (BMW)
  5. ....soon now!

    Thanks Andy.........no testing with a Givi screen to date so you're on the list (Givi Touring screen I presume?) - as soon as I have a set of the prototypes currently out for testing returned I'll pop them in the post to you ;-)

    Last of the prototype wing kits posted out today (Rob O, Bob_Cooper, DavidD).....with a little help :rolleyes:


    ......am I in trouble (again!) Dad?

    In hand or done already...
    Ducati OE Screen
    DP Touring Screen
    Aviacompositi Carbon Shorty
    Givi Touring Screen
    MRA Vario
    MRa X-Creen
    MRA Shorty
    PUIG Touring Screen x 2
    PUIG Touring Screen (shortened 2")
    Unknown Carbon Shorty
    DIY Shorty (cut down OE screen)
  6. Am I going to get scratched when I open the box? :wink:
  7. No no, I think that box is for me... A friend for Percy to play with while I'm out testing the flaps... ;-)

    Andy, don't forget the PUIG Shorty/sport screen. Here soon...well, hopefully. ;-!
  8. No no, as you were Rob...you are going to get scratched...Andy must have switched boxes (or rather kitty jumped when he wasn't looking)...Percy was so disappointed, but I wasn't.

    Looks like I'd better get my finger out and do more testing...the postman arrived nice and early today! ;-)
  9. Both cats still here and making their presence known! :rolleyes:

    Oh yes and I have someone with a Cee Baileys screen lined up when I get a set of prototype wings back, so...

    Testing done or in hand:
    Ducati OE Screen

    DP Touring Screen
    Aviacompositi Carbon Shorty
    Cee Baileys Touring
    Givi Touring Screen
    MRA Vario
    MRa X-Creen
    MRA Shorty
    PUIG Sport (Shorty)
    PUIG Touring Screen x 2
    PUIG Touring Screen (shortened 2")
    Unknown Carbon Shorty
    DIY Shorty (cut down OE screen)
  10. Hello,
    Anyone has any results regarding the use of the Ducati Performance touring Screen and the windflaps? My height is 1.79m (5.87 ft) anybody knows if it works? I like the looks of it but the results are more important :)

    Thanks in advance!
  11. Hi JP, that's one of the screens that we will have some feedback on soon......watch this space ;-)
  12. Any news guys?
  13. Eagle Screens have made the moulds and produced the prototypes in the picture below. You can see they have made two different versions which will be fitted to a local guys multi for testing and final fitment. I have also asked John whether it would be possible at this point to make the WDs a little taller (to the top of the screen mount) and little wider.

    ES WD.jpg

    ES WD.jpg
  14. I'll write up and send you my feedback on the later versions... Slightly wider and taller at the top will almost certainly help, although you would have to watch for stress on the fixing points. That's where the "lower" (second set shown above) design may be better, as it gives more support to the whole flap (even though it only fixes low down).
  15. Some really nice work, well done getting these to this point. Any idea when the designing stops and the selling begins :smile:. I've only had my multi 4 days and I'm desperate for these already. :biggrin:
  16. Andy,

    You mentioned a test of the MRA Shorty was "in hand", but I can't find (scanning back through this thread) a review??

    My bike is much improved by the MRA Shorty (without any spacers), in fact I would say it's perfectly fine as it is.

    But, as an inveterate tinkerer, I'm feeling the need to see if it can be made even better...
  17. David - many thanks again for your time and effort in doing extensive testing for us and the great feedback/review wrtieups :niceone:

    Bingbong - welcome to the forum :D ......put yourself on the map: Multistrada Owners Maps ;-)
    ....and enter your bike details in your Profile :D
    The selling should begin soon.......had a message from Robin (RBlacky;-) earlier today - Eagle Screens will have the test MTS1200 back with them next week for fitment and design finalisation :)

    Steve - a number of test reviews/reports on various screens including the MRA Shorty should be with me soon and I'll post here asap.

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  18. Done :upyeah: I think so anyway :rolleyes:
  19. Yes indeed.....you were 1,111th marker on the map :D
  20. Heard from John at Eagle Screens today. He has finalised the fittings and tested the first prototypes pictured above with the help of MTS owner Jeremy (thanks Jeremy). John wants to make a slightly higher (40mm) and wider version this week to test and expects to have the project completed next week. If you want a set I reckon about now would be a good time to get on the list.
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