Separate names with a comma.
10K! Snap their hand off!
I had one. Hated it very quickly and sold it with 300 ish miles on the clock. The dealer I part ex'd with noticed the front cylinder was noisy and...
Bit harsh......I haven't told you how quick I am yet!
Not being funny but that looks like it could be a money pit.
I used a 1098 on track for a while which I enjoyed. It wasn't as easy as the more modern bikes as the gearbox was lethargic and it turned quite...
Timber and building materials costs are going through the roof and that's if you can get stock.
Aren't they a bit slow?
Why did I bother. I had the script in my head before the game even started!
He won't be watching Scotland playing tomorrow night though will he. Info got from Nogutsnoglory sarcastic b'stard. :D
Any opportunity to push your agenda! Get in. :D [ATTACH]
Used Ducati Sports Panigale V4 S for sale in Nottingham | Pidcock Motorcycles
What would a Scotsman know about football? :D
Great first race.
I was replying to Freak about e scooters which is what was shown in the original link.
Years ago I had just finished building my R1 trackbike. I took it to Donington the next evening when they used to run tracknights every Wednesday....
Not on the public highway unless they are part of a scheme. These are very popular in Nottingham. Electric scooter rental trial - Transport Nottingham
Recorded it along with the Joan Jet film. :upyeah:
They all look fine to me. If you think they were harsh I'm in trouble.
I think @andyb made his own he may be able to help.
I guess it was one of the interesting characters that wouldn't roll over and play dead.