Separate names with a comma.
If you find somebody drop me a line will ya I'll be doing the belts myself next year & just hope I don't balls it up
That would do the job, trust @chrisw to come up trumps again
I don't know of that particular mod, but it is as @Derek states it's do-able, at least in theory, practically no clue. On the older forum a mod...
I'll let @Irish come back as that is nicely wrapped, a lot better than I could do Did a Guzzi I have a while back [IMG] I used Thermo-Tec and...
Always liked them Only rode one once an 1125R which I probably should have bought as they were pretty cheap at the time for what they were. I...
Like you I'm not even going to even think about going into MY reasons. A combination of events just put me off a bit and I'm not so keen anymore...
I'm assuming that all the readings with the new battery were taken with the multimeter and not the dash. If it is I agree with @Robarano it's not...
Just don't get one of you're a short arse, I'm 5' 7" and sold mine on, it was a device of torture. It pushes you forward and upward, great if...
I've not been to the new place, (it will never be the same for me since Harry the parts guy left, I think @Geoffduk feels the same). New place is...
Your right there's a reason for the "Old" in my name and the Senior in my title 2007 and I'm still back in the 20th century I'm not arguing Mine...
I have a 1098 with a chocolate gearbox and mains with more spin than Labour HQ. The 1198 is the better bike no doubt and I'd love a 1098 R which...
Not uncommon I'm afraid Many years ago I heard about the poor sealing of tha standard air fillter and purchased a BMC, it was a toss up between...
So disclaimer I don't know a lot about Ducatis and even less about Kawasakis First thing I'd do is get the battery charged before commencing...
Plugs? Coil? Really don't know the bike but I've had the same with a Guzzi First start of the season it ran on one then the second chimed in,...
So I was out in the Garden shuffling Guzzis to get one ready for an MOT and bring in one that's just been done Sfida 1000 [IMG] Sfida 1100...
Ahh so that's why they keep passing me with ease I'll continue to tell my self this no matter what Enjoy the starship, whatchout for plod sounds...
As @bettes said ;o) How old is the battery? From your description it sounds utterly goosed These bikes have a parasitic draw for the...
Have we met? You seem to know me well
I was at a site near Scunthorpe (Ohh the romance of travel) and it was feeding onto 400kV via a bloody great sub, which I got into under flase...