Separate names with a comma.
Quick and easy 3/6 for me. One letter in wrong place. Different letter in correct space Word comes to mind, don't hold out much hope, but it all...
4/6. Even with the first and last two in place I still couldn’t see what went in the middle.
Well done. 5/6 for me Led a merry dance on that one.
5/6 Could only see one other option so should still have made it if 5th try had failed.
Well done. 4/6 for me.
I believe it is edited by a lady member of the New York Times. Edit - Tracy Bennett. No wonder it has so many double letters!!
Skip another generation and buy my 999? £2k within budget!
Indeed. I was reluctant to try it as I felt that an American literary type was unlikely to use a technical term associated with grinding wheels....
5/6 I think.
Salad is not a meal. It is coloured water masquerading as food. Me periodically having to eat with vegetarians and vegans .
5/6 What Billy said!!
I was pleased with 3/6 Quick and fell out easily after some recent struggles