Separate names with a comma.
Kim Newcombe Bruce McLaren John Britten
What was his name?
Slightly different circumference sizes between fr/rr tyres now with slicks, so differing wheel speeds "fooling" ECU into thinking it's wheel slip???
Caveat Emptor
Nothing so deep, just sounds better to me.
Soggy Bottom Boys do it better... [MEDIA]
There's plenty of Ducati Dismantlers in NZ, ring around for a good price. Look on TradeMe.
Usual negative play by England, they never play to win, they only play not to lose. They conceded a penalty within' kicking range and then try to...
Pffft! All Blacks had it covered all game ;), only doing just enough to win and not show their hand :scream:.
Ya can't trust any fecker that'll change sides in the middle of a war!!! ;)
It's a single?
AAaaaaarrgggghhhh, Bastard, Bastard, Bastard, Meh.
I'm in NZ.
Or even better a Toyota V8, or Mazda V8, or Nissan V8, or if there is enough room a Chev LS V8.
I've had some mates go several times, buy a bike there, do the tour, and then bring the bike back home, sell and make a profit on the bike.
Being on the other side of the world I generally don't go on threads about MGP until I've had a chance to watch the recorded action, but as this...
WTF happened to the "No Spoiler" in the thread title you F.Wits!!!