Separate names with a comma.
Ok. What I'm gonna do is to aim for all the closers to be 0.07 and all the openers 0.15. Any more information is welcomed.
I've updated the reading to the correct ones. thanks for your replies. I'm thinking cause I've opened the bike so much by now, if i lift the...
What do you aim for when setting the correct clearance? For openers do you aim for 0.13 or 0.18 and for closer do you go for 0.05 or 0.10? thanks
[ATTACH] Hello everyone and thanks in advance if anyone can help. I have measure the clearance today and I would like to have some confirmation...
Hello everyone. Just a questions that is buzzing in my mind lately. I own a MTS 2010s, and I have recently discovered that in Enduro mode the abs...
I think it must be the pipe because you can see petrol from the middle to the bottom part, while the top is totally dry.
No luck, But I've found those at a fraction of the 260£......
[MEDIA] Went to get the bike yesterday to find out it was leaking petrol. It seems to be coming from the little pipe that I have marked in...
I'm pretty practical with tools.
Finally, does anyone know of is worth putting a bleeding nipple into the abs unit for the front brakes too?
Just to update on this... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] I installed a bleed nipple on the abs unit. Mounted Brembo sintered pads. Bled...
Thanks everyone. I bled my brake and still doesn't work. I'm gonna try reverse bleeding this time. Also I would like to add some bleeding nipple...
Brilliant. I wander if the rally pedal can be mounted on my 2010 model. Also to adjust the rod you need to remove the brake lever. Am I correct?
I did remove the caliper completely and hold it above the abs while bleeding. I know ideally it should be left overnight but I don't have time. I...
Thanks. But I still have a feeling that something is not quite right. Let me be more precise. When I turn with wheel and start pushing the brake,...
Can I double check with you Andy cause you're very knowledgeable, that the bolts to fix the calipers back are 25 nm? Thanks
Thanks again. I thought abs was only for the front ones.
So I removed the caliper, bleed the system and installed new pads. It brakes but I'm not able for example to do skids. Which for me it's when a...
What I don't look forward is removing the back wheel to be able to remove the caliper.
Thank you so much