Separate names with a comma.
Day two of a four day IOSH course I`ve been sent on. Stuck in a classroom, it`s all safety this and risk assess that, blah blah blah. I long for...
It`s the real reason we have kids. Not many chimneys up north now so they have to earn their keep somehow ;) [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I reckon she`s a lot tougher than the pussies I loosely call my friends. She hates bikes with a passion, which is good for me because I`m always...
Oh god, does that mean Paul Birds eyes will replace the owl eyes?
I have looked at newer models but to be honest, I`ve got used to her operating system now. She`s good around the house and was good with the kids...
That looks brilliant, shame New Zealand is a gazzillion miles away. year, I bring my off road bike and enter New Zealand as an...
I put some crankcases in the oven and the bearings in the freezer, a recognised engineering tip when fitting bearings I might add. My girlfriend...
My two favourite BSB riders, on my favourite bike, at the same team. What could possibly go wrong. As an aside, I will be glad to see the back of...
That sounds brilliant, I can see why 7-800 people would want to ride. Any pictures? Three of us couldn`t even go for a ride on Friday because it...
After the Larry let downs from last Friday, I`ve just bought an OS map with the intention of getting out on my own tomorrow. I can sort of...
Booked a day off work to go greenlaning with some mates. The nesh feckers all cried off last night because it might still be raining today and it...
A couple of my mates have twinshock Fantics, they rate them, one of them talked me into buying that 305 Fantic. That reminds me, I still haven`t...
It got worse before it got better........a lot worse :sob: [ATTACH]
I`ve (re)built a few off road bikes. Sometimes fun, sometimes not so. This one I bought as a box of bits. It was a 1957 Francis Barnett Falcon 74,...
Southerners :rolleyes: Everyone knows supper is chips and gravy on`t way home from pub, after necking 12 pints and having a good scrap in`t...
If you are going to paint the engine, you will get a much better finish if you use a compressor and spray gun instead of a brush. you could build...
I bought an old xr250r for about £1k. It`s a bit rough but it`s not a bad little bike. It lacks a bit of grunt on the fast stuff and the...
With the right bike and lifestyle choices, this could be you. [MEDIA]
Work. Today is day 6 of a 16 day run without a day off, no light at the end of the tunnel and it`s been shit so far. I wish I worked somewhere...
Come on Chiz, say it with passion and commitment, like you did for New Zealand and Wales :grinning: