Separate names with a comma.
Greetings. The last time I went to your location was to buy a some cider brandy from Julian. Very nice it was too.
Completed the Xmas food shopping. Just needed shortbread to finalise and … job done in m and s yesterday! [ATTACH]
Ouch, I’m picturing henbury being….. [ATTACH]
I’m due to play a society reunion golf day at Henbury later this month. Not picked up my Titleists since c 2007 - I ‘retired’ from golf on a...
Is that the same William Turnbull as discussed in the six posts just above, or another Turnbull?
Bit of sea kayaking out of Dartmouth. Roasted marshmallows On a deserted beach. Fish and chips afterwards. 100 mile drive home.
Cheddar reservoir somewhat lower than normal … [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
You can live there now -get your bids in……...
Fiji to Hawaii is about 3100 miles ….
Good to hear you’ve got a bit of a plan to keep and ride at least a couple of the fleet. Good luck with the/ any sales you need to make to keep...
What colour version did you get? Something lairy I trust?
Coincidentally was looking at self same kit helmet city cheddar today. Couldn’t quite bring myself to buy though -brother has one and it looks and...
Watching it live. Cracking finish on Huez Hill worth watching highlights later.
Hp2 gone? @mervyn :(
Cheers boss. I’ll get ordering and venture into the garage with a club hammer to do some surgery.
It’s my vent hose that I can see looks gone. Is it the same Size as the other hose/ included in the suggested 30cm ( 12 inches) length of new...
Get some fresh crab from the little shack in Crail -lovely.
Thanks is for thoughts. @Ducbird @El Toro @Jez900ie @Android853sp @Gandalf @mervyn Spent today sat in garden room having filled up bird feeders...
he has set his stall out early.