Separate names with a comma.
Hopefully the pages on these mags won't be stuck together though
If he was on your right, you should have pushed the twat off his bike, then explain that wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t have his foot on the...
I don't eat that crap in the week, but ate my bodyweight in peking duck and hoi sin pancakes on Saturday night, so my work here is done.
Your pictures are making me want to go back, as soon as possible! I don't even like coconuts.
Went out and looked at all the bits that need to come off my bike and go on the new one. It’s quite a comprehensive list!
What a bloody nightmare
Yes please!!
Those look good. Did you leave them on the bike when you sold it?
Bound to be, now that I've bought a 2025!:laughing: I did ask the dealer, they said they haven't heard about it yet, and if it does come, it...
The dealer has agreed to this, so I've ordered the bike, and will see how I get on with it, before it goes in for the first service.
It would be nice if there was a kit to remove those altogether, as I don't use panniers, so would like to tidy that area up.
Spent most of the day on the sofa, after quite a heavy night last night. Managed a half an hour walk with the dog, to go to the shop to buy more...
Yeah they’re Kawasaki as well now
Ordered one
Too cold for me!
Hang on, you’d recommend going on a train ride where your hair and clothes get burnt? You should look into becoming a tour guide!
Your answers are all over this forum, you just need to look for them. They’re even in this very thread.
That must have been heart breaking.
Back on topic, what would be ideal would be to collect the bike with the standard system, run it in, then decide if it needs a full system at the...
Not on this thread, no. This is a thread about a potential new bike, there’s plenty of insurance related ones if that’s what you’re into.