Separate names with a comma.
:worried: Should you be riding bikes or driving if you didnt see that ;), did you lift it up to make sure it was a bike and not someone camping on...
No.... sorry my whole 4 days on, is over weekend... So tues to fri that following week will be my days off...
We had snow last week -2/4 degree and todays its 8-11 degree compare the difference thats a big step in the warmth... i work on the river/sea...
Am in the same boat as Coffey, and like him/her, am another local to this track its only 20mins or so down the road... Over the years ive been ask...
Thats not Tricolore Camo ^^^... I really need to do something to it, i just cant be boring like you lot... i'll have to see if the vinyl wrapper...
Bollox i missed this... i have to use keys for my trip button (is missing) for every fill up, ive look high n low for these for sale......
When i was looking for exhausts i like the look of the Mivv triple exhaust or the Zard , but i did this instead > Recored ,must of been 6-8 years...
I do... Look \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ [ATTACH]
Muuuuhahaha lets chav it up !!!... ruin your old bike... each to their own
I need to do something with the mirrors and hand guards at least... Just got to live with the black stuff
There still too much black on it... rear frame, swingarm, the under seat cowling, mirror, hand guards etc etc... Do I get the mirrors painted......
Thats amazing i cant even see it, you sure it wrapped in camouflage and not using a cloaking device
Morning, Ive just been in to see my bike with the wheels that have been powdercoated red... The guys at the local garage i use are telling to keep...
Am one of the minority that isnt hiding, out on my on last Sunday... I think your looking Zircotec am sure (cant find his name atm...gumboz's) he...
Your right older model servicing cost per hour is cheaper than new models
My trusted mechanic garage (Ducati trained) said unless your pinging in the red all the time you don't need to do the valve clearance as often,...
If the weather is like it is today for tomorrow i could pop down, a excuse to go somewhere, bike needs a wash though from last weekend, stuck at...
To be fair thats not too bad looking, is that what the sports classic out Tron Legacy was base on... Shame the frame isnt gold (personel taste)...
This time doing on the PP, done enough touring on the other...
Come on Chiz your the only few whos met me... (plus am not a fanny and put their bike away for winter) what you think... anyways now ive read it...