Separate names with a comma.
Hear are some pics of my Suzuki 650 mono Caff Racer, such a blast to ride, only 30 odd horses but loads of torque, great summer fun, open K&N +...
Altaian, are you sure you don't mean Km's , your bike maybe set on Km's and need changing ??
I live here , no triangle obviously and no hi viz until 2013 when all bikers will have to wear a hi viz arm band, no breathalizer yet, basically...
Hi all, finally got logged back in after the shut down. When I got my 796 it came with Rosso's which I munched through in abou 2500 miles, then I...
High Hugh, do you know WAYNE KERR or RICHARD HEAD or WILLIAM RASH or IVOR BIGEN by any chance ??
Have not made it to the dealers yet, but judging from what Birdie said maybe it didn't need a weight when they put the new tyre on.
Look, I'm no Rossi fanboy but it seems unlikely that he suddenly lost all his riding skills/talent overnight, the only logical conclusion is he...
Ah ha, Yes, had new tyres put on 5 months ago, I just assumed all wheels need to be balanced , will get it checked. cheers
So, whilst cleaning the bike I notice some sticky stuff on the front wheel rim, seems very hard to get off, then I realise the wheel balancing...
Enough about Rossi n' Stoner, what about CAL, 2nd in practice 3, real possibility of seeing a Brit on the podium this year, GO CAL !
Very nice Tony, check out BIKE CLUB FRANCE.COM for local ride outs, there are a fair few up your way.
Hi and welcome, I'm near Montpellier whrere abouts are you ?
Wierd, I'm quoting myself. anyway, I stand corrected, the discs are indeed meant to move ( rotate ) a fraction.
Yep, have to agree, very tacky, when I first saw it I thought it looked alright but looking again it's not that great, they have even left the OEM...
Slow down everyone, that's my wife you are talking about...........................
I'm not allowed to work, believe me it's better for everyone.
Oh Dear.... always horrible news to hear, god bless who ever you are.
iPad ............4
Don't know how much the DP one is , Puig one is 75 quid , you'll need a very small star allen key to do the swap, I seem to remember it being the...
The best I can describe it is once you get up above 80 the extra protection takes the wind blast off your chest and directs up over your head, you...