Separate names with a comma.
am just removing mirrors and doing an oil change now so chat latter. Thanks again to @istanbulian :upyeah:
I'm taking van dude as I have track day at donny on thurs so will be away all week. Pit bitch would be great! I do need help getting bike in and...
I thought of that! Copied link to browser and changed the ref number! It worked!!!! Yay me. I'm getting good at this shit...
That is what I'm looking for but it has your booking reference number in the link and I'm unable to change it. Thanks for the help though dude
Pic number one in carls lineup .. 2nd choice the stubble termi.
Hey team Despite actually getting through to Jo at Silverstone after speaking to a few other people over the last week, they still haven't sent...
Hey mate, it has a lower seat , slightly less of a reach to the bars although that depends on what bars you have on! ( the monster is hardly a...
Yea sorry, that bike is sold.. the scrambler is still for sale though! Probably easier to ride than the monster also!
£47 quid looking back through my purchase history...
I had a laser plastic job and it snapped first use... I now have big up metal one. £80 quid or some thing stupid but it's good....
Glen town? Where's that then?
I can picture his spin doctors now. Ok, bojo has been slamming the marching powder, people will notice he's getting thin.. Let's get him a...
The Colombian diet is the best. I bet bojo is taking loads of drugs and the trainer is just a front for when he starts losing lots of pounds.....
With the snakes, spiders , crocs, shit beer, extreme heat, extremely annoying people and now gumballs of death, it's a wonder anyone would chose...
Southall. West london
Gold, even real gold is tacky... paint it all black...
Looks pretty clean already though. What's ya plans?
Nice bike mister. Keep us posted on the refresh. Lots of pics. You think this forum has been bitchy lately, it's been summer! Wait till winter. We...
Just bumping this as I've kinda made my mind up to head back to nz so scrambles needs to go. I will advertise else where if I have to but I'd...