Separate names with a comma.
Insolvent to the tune of nearly £12 million. Looks like they had not paid their VAT and PAYE for a while as they owed HMRC over £600,000....
To be honest, there is no money in keeping huge amounts of stock that you might sell but no guarantee. Stock is money sitting on the shelf.
How many more of these can they keep selling? The more specials they produce, the less special they become.
I’ve always found them exceptional. Ring them and ask to speak to Craig. I suspect they get so many email enquiries it’s hard to keep up.
I agree on the margins comment. Very few are making big profits. Not sure on multi franchise though. I'm never quite sure how it's possible to...
Balance sheet is the ultimate barometer. A company can hold a lot of debt but still be solvent if their assets are worth more. They are likely to...
Kyle Ride put this up on his page this morning. No wonder we can’t produce champions when others can. [ATTACH]
BIK on a bike is 20% of the value including Vat.
No doubt pretty much all companies are finding it tough.
And 20% of UK debt.
Their economy may well be slowing down which is inevitable with the growth they have had but they own so much of western debt, they are very much...
VAG are also in the financial shit so it would not surprise me but as said it’s likely to be a Chinese buyer these days. The only ones with the cash.
I think the point being that its very much an auto industry problem and not just KTM. I bet they are all Chinese or Indian owned within 20 years,...
I reckon the worst new cars for depreciation are Range Rovers and Land Rovers. A client of mine lost £100k on his Range Rover in a year. No one...
Kit. It’s even on the Ducati website.
VW are also struggling. No one has the money to buy cars like they did a few years ago.
I cannot see the point of naked bike with that sort of power. If you wanted a road bike the V2 would be so much better and if you want a track...
Sounds like much of the motor industry is in trouble. Nissan announcing they have 12-14 months to find new investment to survive.
V4R? V2R? November 28, 2024 | The Next Level Formula We will find out this afternoon.