Separate names with a comma.
went head first into one of these... [ATTACH]
unlike a law man to plead guilty straight away, but thanks for the link that was very useful; what I hadn’t actually considered was, that in...
Depends what you read and who you speak too, the transporters have a real fan base and good residuals but , apparently don't drive as nicely as...
don't know whether to give that a like, funny, or useful
really? I really want one, well that or a 1299, I haven't really made my mind up, but a used 1299s with okra and a new V2 are about the same...
Anyway back on topic, I am a bit concerned about movement across the uk; my car was booked in for some work with a specialist, and that requires a...
You are an odd bean. Why would I be disappointed, i'm glad to hear it.:upyeah:
Lol happy to call the whole of UK a police state and then complains at my stereotyping, nice one! Good and bad everywhere you go and I've met more...
Could be worse, we could be in France. The french police not exactly known for listening to reason or being light handed. The french are generally...
I’m putting off buying one till things settle down tbh.. Throw the little red hatchback in with it and I’ll take it.. looks a great bike glws
Looks great, I’ve got 1 eye on the market at the moment, having real trouble finding a garage with a house attached.
Slow hand clap yes and that is without COVID so yes this is about capacity management.
depends on what the ‘return on investment’ period is. But I think they have done it to keep deaths down by ensuring hospitals are working within...
We seem to be focused on death rate again which is only the tip of the iceberg really. That might be reasonable if doing nothing reduces...
Strangely we are agreeing on what is important but not how to get there. In order to offer regular service you need to keep COVID numbers in check...
The mortality rate isn’t the key stat used to decide whether to lock down though is it? How many develop longer term symptoms? what capacity are...
Wish she was full of me..
it's probably a better bike in every way except the restricted flow from the cat, but it looks terrible. I hate the audi indicators, and the...
I just completed one of the annual car insurance renewal dances.. Receive renewal quote: up by 25% Check comparison sites to get some leverage...
Being colour blind would be a nice aspiration, but until everyone looks at the world that way that view is part of the problem. Try challenging...