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Aye ole Jh didn't have much luck with the old multi , you still on the Ktm me laddo ??
Yes I could hear it sounded slow cranking , so if now it's only sparking on one cylinder its really going to struggle to start that's why I say...
Are you loosing the battery now ? It didn't sound very good cranking over from the video , can you put battery on charge or have you jump leads...
Runs for so long then goes on to one cylinder ...does sound like Coil sticks .....these are pencil coils and not plug leads ? You said you took...
They will fail safe , so pathway through valve block is open it is just like having normal brakes , all these senarios have to be thought through...
Oh yes seen much worse , plug electrodes worn down to a stump , cars that have not had oil changes in there life 5/6 year old stuff ....the oil...
Definately non of the aero quip hoses around the frontal area have been pinched with fairing brackets and so on , just thinking they could allow...
Dirty filter sir ?? Arrrr the beauty of extended service intervals , we see a few not much better than this out of the dealer network ... [IMG]
So plugs worn out , dirty air filter ......what's the oil condition like .....does it smell of petrol if you dip it , fresh oil helps a lot with...
Yes the plugs do look a bit worn , has replacing them helped the situation ?
Couple of thoughts , where you say bike was off road because of a crash , was any damage done to brake levers ...snapped off maybe ? Is there air...
Fat bassas pair o ya .....
This loom extension ...... even though bike run for so long it still worth checking through , it may be at fault it may not but it has to be ruled...
Any earths pathways / eyelets near to where you have been working
Worth doing even though you are seeing batch data , the same wire, ohms check it to earth and ohms check to battery positive to see if any leakage...
I'm not familiar with the set up but is immob hard wired to ecm or are they on a can network
Have you done any work on the bike prior to this fault , was it ok last time the bike was used . Derek said it there , if starter solenoid clicks...
I have the 1100 hyper sp and for me I wouldn't want more power , I think the power has to match the bike , giving them 160 bhp would probably make...
Just out of interest , the nut that works loose on the clutch hub I assume there is no tab washer or locking device on it for this to happen ?