Separate names with a comma.
I hated the big, bulky and heavy silencer… So here is the new one! I debated about making it re-packable. but that adds weight and complexity… and...
Aliexpress... expensive though... £23 delivered! this is the updated version of one I have used before......
To keep a clean look I decided on a digital speedo. I have used a GPS speedo on previous builds but missed not having a tacho so when I spotted...
As I have got older (a lot older!) I prefer a more upright and less stretch riding position… The bars on this bike I really like as they are the...
couple of milling jobs in the last few days… Firstly, I will be using an aftermarket speedo so I needed to have a pickup… I made a small bracket...
Funnily enough this came up today when I had the tyres fitted... he was very complimentary about the finish and asked if it was powder coat......
Break in the weather last few days and I was able to paint the wheels… Etch primed, undercoat, and then clear over silver base. I don’t think I...
Well I pondered about the shocker… The reason I took it apart was I wanted to expose the spring, but it just didn’t trigger that it works the...
Going together nicely… I do need to slow down! However I made a big fxxxup the other day when I took the rear shocker apart… I forgot they work...
The seat is back from the trimmer, and as usual it’s a superb job! The weather has turned cold which meant I had to resort to drying the smaller...
the etch primer, or as I prefer to call it "adhesion promoter" is air dry in a couple of hours... the mistake people make with this is they apply...
Its a company in Wolverhampton called Applied Surface Treatments.... The engine is all back together now… its a BIG old lump! I also finished...
well it didn’t take long to get it all apart! Engine out and on the bench… frame welded and off to the shot blasters… I have to say the frame is...
Nice install though Andy! Two jobs in the last few days… Collect the headlight brackets from the water jet cutter, and make an engine cradle so I...
One thing I have often regretted is not fitting a steering damper… they are difficult to retro fit so I decided to fit one to this bike… This...
Still undecided on the seat shape but that can wait… for now I have also made the seat base. I bonded in some alloy plates for the rivinuts to...
Thank you! The seat unit is now in shape, next job is to make the actual seat… Not cut it to the end shape yet, still pondering! I must work on...
First job has been to address the plastic tank… While it’s not too bad, its already showing signs of bubbling due to the ethanol in the fuel… I...
well it's time for a new project... I sold the honda as I never really gelled with it and missed the grunt of the V Twins... So I looked around...
Several reasons... the lease is up and the site owner won't renew... the guy that runs it is ill and also he didn't get on with the owner......