Separate names with a comma.
I was thinking more the Chipolatas!
Its nice to do something different though, gives Christmas a whole different meaning! I can see why you are a bit peed off with the DIL father...
Well the gammons in the oven - that's all I wanted to say :cool:
Whatever made you think that!!! infact he's that miserable I sent him up the shop for some tin foil and said oh whilst you're there see if there...
Watched one Christmas film now watching David Attenborough - and I cant believe the nipper deleted The Snowman I was looking forward to watching that!
This jus a receipe for light shortbread one that my mum gave me and they taste just as good as scottish shortbread 6oz plain flour, pinch of...
I love Christmas Eve Infact probably more so than Christmas Day so what are your plans? I'm working till lunch time then home for couple hours...
I've already said what I think however just reading some comments I don't think it's appropriate to start bitching at one another because some do...
Thanks Rob mine and duke1276 combined donation sent x
Up until last year it was seen as bad taste to even receive a christmas woolly the many a passing comment about "it's something the granny would...
A German guy approaches one of the ladies of the night. 'I vish to buy zex vit shoo.' 'OK,' says the girl, 'I'll charge 50 an hour.' '.....
Merry christmas and a happy new year!
I must agree with peterT given the unfortunate loss of one of our forum members it is inappropriate right now however I do also agree that it's a...
I'm saving the sexy santa outfit for when you wake me up at silly o'clock on a Sunday!!!
Baked 60 christmas cupcakes and some shortbread biscuits, icing to do tomorrow! Ill post pics!!
Worked, had christmas lunch with the girlies and then had my hair cut popped into tesco to get some wrapping paper saw how quiet it was and...
This is really sad news rest his soul in peace and much thought to his family at this awful time. Unbelievably sad sad news :-(
The snowflakes falling down the screen! :rolleyes::redface::frown::tongue::wink::eek::cool::mad: Also wanted to make use of the santa icons!!...
Mines up now! [IMG] [IMG]
No the lights were on green and the lad on the bike had right of way., the car driver was impatient and cut across probably thinking he could make...