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+1 for the CLs. Just bunged a set on Blackshadow discs on me 4s
Live 19 miles from work. Commuting time in a car: 50-90 minutes Commuting time on bike: 15-40 minutes I like being able to see my family from...
Minor update: Left it on charge all day and then came home and disconnected the battery for 10 minutes. Reconnected and she fired up straight...
And, wouldn't you know it - the fucker wouldn't start this morning! It is doing that little two spark cough when I turn it over and then won't...
So, there I was this morning, my licence dangerously close to actually expiring and I was heading for the centre to renew. Turned the key on the...
Might I make a suggestion... [IMG]
That sir, is a very pragmatic approach that I heartily support. Where might I subscribe to your newsletter? ;)
Damn, you did well there. I'd love to stick all of that on my ST4s. :)
I loikes that I do! The SS swing arm in combination with the MutleyStrada zorst works very well and doesn't look out of place.
Glad to hear you are sorted. Let us know the detail when you have it checked over. I've chased various elcectrical isues on mine over the years,...
Sorry to hear that mate. I've not toured on mine, but even when doing cross country and back day trips, I've never had those kinds of issues.
'02 4s owner for 8 years now. Bought it with 11k on it, 58k now. Main bearing failure, 4 x inlet closers replaced due to chroming issue, failed...
OK, gotcha. Just wasn't sure I was grasping exactly what you were asking. TBH, I don't think I've ever seen a "leathers & helmet cover" option...
Yup, definitely sounds like an earth problem. Check the big connectors too, for corrosion and clean and grease.
Sorry, bit confused here. Are you saying that after a bike accident, you are claiming for the bike gear on your home insurance? Was the bike...
I haven't had a chance to check the part number yet, but my bike is MY2002 and came with the DP alu cans and open airbox lid. I wasn't told it...
Good info and advice here. Cheers for sharing. Need to measure mine this summer.
Right, here's an update on this zombie thread. The bike still did the weird thing of dropping on one cylinder when in 5th gear and I went from...
Mercedes used them back in the 50s on racing cars. The fact is that the Ducati system is patented and another manufacturer would likely have to...
The chap what makes the DucatiDesigns stuff has ceased making them but has said on another forum that if he gets a group buy, he'll do another run...