Separate names with a comma.
:laughing::laughing: ok man willdo cheers
Okdoky hopefully manage to get some pictures up, what you mean 'bins' how'd you know I wear glasses?
Thanks Gandalf our dogs called Frodo he's just had his first birthday :)
hi Bumpkin probably definitely a silly idea to attach a Ducati to a sidecar,....and probably a lot of work too, not something I could do either....
Manchester? sorry man my mistake
lol ay indeed, at the risk of offending the north east perhaps, Geordieland has to be
Thank you very muckle as we say in these parts lol
Wayne Rainey no way!! :eek: and a great big hello to you as well buddy :)
lol how do, yeh maybe the reason av only ever seen one lol could catch on
Hi just thought I'd join this group if that's ok lol. I do own a '97 monster which I haven't ridden for a while, and that's purely down to my...