Separate names with a comma.
Hello, does anyone have a set of rearsets they want to sell me ? Used is OK, but damaged is no more use to me than it is to you ! E-mail me...
When I saw the Tricolore S, I knew I had to have one. I know I have lost my shirt buying it, but I remain the happiest of bunnies with my...
I went to Solihull this afternoon and experienced the 'sticky clutch' scenario too. I will keep watching the posts to see how it all pans out.
Nah, my Mullah is Windy Mullah....
Oh, I keep reading a bit more of the header's author's issues..... I was informed, when I bought my own Pani, that unless I was likely to use...
Fiddle,fiddle,fiddle... leave things connected. You don't know what you are doing. Your lovely new toy is not even a tiny bit like anything...
I am going to lose more weight than ANY of you people. I am going on a diet and go from being a fat person to being just a person sized person....
My 'speedo' went all melted looking around 2000 miles...warranty change due to condensation or something, but now with new'un on 1700 miles, so...
Am I wrong in imagining that every Pani is still under warranty? Do not touch or tinker with it... let the dealer fix it. It will be very...
Buy the 'R' sticker to replace the terrible 'S' one ! Look, it only revs an extra 500 revs right up the top end and unless you are so wealthy...
Clever RAM mounting.... did you have to drill the carbon or have you a different method ? I only ask as I'm trying to do the same without making...
I feel this is leading off the subject somewhat... Therefore I shall shut up.
I LIVE to sit on the naughty step ! Naughty is good. Naughty is nice. I am both nice and good, therefore I am..... Naughty. Tee hee hee....
Who's shouting ? The use of capitals can be to denote the method and manner a brand is described... my own name uses exactly such, as it is also...
DUCAUDI bikes are going to be fast, reliable, kviet unt somevot boreink .
Other than the aforesaid Panigale, in the header, I have a love of the under-dog. My other bikes include three Urals, a 750 Solo, a 750 Outfit...
Speaking as a 'Never-Born-Before-Biker' , I went to Ducati Coventry (whom are an outstanding outfit), to just 'have a go' on a Panigale. I had...
Wurth, because it actually works. I took advice from a friend who swears by the stuff and uses it on his Hayabusa. His chains last for...
When I took early retirement, I bought myself that once-in-a-lifetime present to myself of a Panigale S Tricolore. Then I added all the extras....
Just bought and fitted a carbon trim for the 'speedo' screen on my Pani. I got it off eBay after my regular trawl looking for bits of nonsense to...