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If you have the 1098s with massive 330mm discs, it can be tricky getting the calipers back on. It helps to open the pads in the caliper as wide as...
The first time I noise tested at Oulton on my 1098 (full termi system) I passed, but everytime since they have failed me without baffles. The last...
Spent the last 15- 20 years investing heavily in banana crumbs!:upyeah:
Have built up a full Stewart Copeland circa 1980,s replica kit. Tama Imperialstar ( the full monty including octobans and splash cymbals). Give...
probably a common one this, but one sunday afternoon on Carnforth roundabout achieving my first kneedown! No bid deal i know but after two years...
Hi Dave, is the free tuition on offer similar to no limits, ie the 1st 5 min are free? and will your instructors be sympathetic with 2 cylinder...
In the uk it,s known as a Ducati, In America it,s known as a Dewkarty.:tongue:
I have just changed sprockets on my 1098, having opted for Renthal sprockets which include the carrier plate for the rear sprocket. It may be just...
Declared my 1098 sorn in 2010 then turned it into my trackbike. Live near Blackpool, so Oulton Park is my nearest track which i love but am always...
Have been browsing the forum for a while and been meaning to register for yonks! Finally got round to it so can now say hello to you all....