Separate names with a comma.
Cheers Chris.:upyeah: I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks Chris, item 38 on the wiring diagram from the 1299s manual is the clutch switch..40 is the fuel pump relay? I'll swap it out for the one on...
another step ---So, it appears theres batt volts on the r/y wire from the e-lock module to the e-lock relay with the ignition off, key out. This...
Hy, Just started troubleshooting this..... After a winter lay off, replaced the battery and after 2 weeks its dead again. replaced the battery...
No probs :upyeah:
Must be your parts list Derek, defo 749S with 6mm valves. I had to make the tool to preload the torque setting during installation, 9Nm or so iirc.
Sorry, I beg to differ, the S versions use the same taper collets as the R. I've just rebuilt one from a 2004 S Derek. They are indeed 6mm too.....
Hy Derek, All the 749S and 999S have 6mm stems as for the Rs
can i have the front mudguard please?
id like the front mudguard? is it still avail?
can i have the carbon seat cowl please, thx
So, given the above, I cant explain how the corruption took place there. I then took @SHarper advice and went back to basics. I left the working...
I had some serious thinking today and went out with the laptop... I took the .bin files from my phone and imported them into tunerpro using a...
Two new CPS turned up today..I'll try a new one tomorrow just in case. I've ordered a couple of fp relays too, just to be sure....
We might take you up on the hammers!! lol. :beer::beer:. ......:motorcycleduc::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb:
[MEDIA]Thanks @SHarper. Thanks for your thoughts. Video is with latest non backfiring map. I know from reinstalling the original 59M ecu that it...
@verney wood Did you get to the bottom of this Vern? .....
I found my original CPS sensor this afternoon, 860ohm. It was working but suspected it may have been the cause of random idle cuts. That wasnt the...
Update; with the replacement 5AM ecu in and running a 999 map, I thought I'd reload the map previously used at the dyno and she started...