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You remove the sensor assembly first before you can get at the screws behind. The one you have removed keeps the assembly located inside the...
M10 grease nipple, pump it out with a grease gun. brian.
If its the end caps in Fig 1 they have bearings for the cams.(the one highlighted in red) If its Fig 2 the cam covers are just that covers no...
Large washer under a normal/castle head nut ? or if your stuck for space machine the base of the nut down so the washer can fit, all depends what...
The aluminium cast housing that has the 3 temp sensors fitted to it has a O-ring on the stub on the rear that fits inside the aluminium flange...
Smother the shank the threads nut and bolt sounds great to me, would i use loctite not on titanium(but thats just me) as for torque i just used...
Would this be Showa forks by any chance ? brian.
Nice rizoma pink:eek: oopps i meant red grips for me. LOL. and a few other bits to great stuff.:smile: brian. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Clean the blade with meths every time you use it, removes any glue that gets stuck on the blade stops it from dragging. If its a long cut use some...
916/996sps Great engine for the road. brian.
The little two pin white plug fits between the two power cables on the rear of the start solenoid down on the right side of the battery check it...
Tubeless utter luxury, Split rim head slicers much more fun or the first super singles great fun fitting them. The same here, wooden wedge,mash...
If you get wheel-spin/slip then it drives forward ok it could be a slow to return clutch push rod it could be gummed up with crud. brian
Fitted a new spring to the F/N/S this morning. brian. [ATTACH]
Take a photo of your disc/wheel and some one might go, they are --------- ------------- discs or not, just a idea.:-). brian.
The bearing adjuster has a recess in it ,look at the underside of your top yoke it might have a ring of aluminium that is the same dimensions as...
The first pic= steering stem bearing adjuster ring ?, 2nd pic= steering stem top cap you wont find/fit one to the bottom of the stem. brian.
you had NEW banjo bolts fitted did you check them with your old ones more so the master cylinder Brembo use a shorter banjo bolt, so if you...
M10 X 1.0 Pitch. brian.
If this is the type of lever it has a small grub screw on the underside. You can get a brembo kit for the master cylinders for the push in feed...