Separate names with a comma.
Hi Tony Is yours an S or standard?
I think you have missed the point
He is only doing as in his faqs he states that he would mark as a low cost item thus avoiding the customs charge. He forgot to mark the first...
I have used this website a few times and always been good. All my bad experiences have been when talking to the dealers where they just dont give...
I got a card through the door.
Got mine today just under £15 custom charges. Fitted tonight but not ridden. The spacer has indeed removed all the slop.
My 1260s also drinks oil, nealy a litre in 2000 miles hard riding though Germany. My old 1200s DVT did simular last year Seems that riding at 6k...
Check your engine mounts. My 1260s had a vib at around 5k. Turned out to be the evotech crash bungs vibrating. They were loose. Torqued them up to...
I message him yesterday and he said that they were currently making the tooling for the 1260 spacers and would be available in approx 3 weeks.
Save up and get the 1260S its much better engine that the 1200 and the 1260 has lots of littte improvements that just work plus it should be worth...
I will be ordering them as soon as they are available - thanks for the heads up i had skipped passed their email.
Im still waiting for the link. I got the welcome to the beta resting bla bla and it said Download and install the app - Check your email address:...
Yep tell me about it £850 last year on a 1200 valued at 12000 and now 1300 pounds on the 1260 valued at 17000. Piss take. Garaged 7 years ncb and...
Wayne i agree. Better to do the full Monty if you want to go louder. For me i wanted the carbon endcan look and not increase my allread £1300...
There are no baffles
Yes and very happy with the look and i do think it sounds better. I got it from ebay...
I have the same tankbag. Thanks i will try
What tank bag did uou use? - i didnt even consider it to be linked to the buffeting
Any pics?
Im with Veetwin on this. I have a simular setup but cut into my Puig screen [IMG][IMG][IMG] Works very welll. I always remember doing 1000km...