Separate names with a comma.
I'm ashamed to admit I went to a BMW dealer this morning for a test ride on the above. I have been reading so many good things about them and had...
Thunder and lightning started over Chelmsford....she's coming (or is it he - Count?)
Anyone got any musical talent? This is what the Velominati did with their rules....
Born and bred in Benfleet, although unfortunately I didn't spend enough time looking at the blackboard.
I'm in Maldon. It was epic at about 0530 this morning. Power been down all day, just come back on again. Not for long judging by the humidity and...
Right, we have a top 40 and appear to be starting to scrape the barrel. These are The Rules. I'm sure they will be of great help to all new...
I'm tired of looking at my elbows in the mirrors and don't like the look of the bloody great things anyway. Have fitted a set of CRG Arrow mirrors...
40/41/42 all amalgamated into 27. I think it probably says it all.
Stickers chaps, we need a position on stickers on the fairings. Who can and who can't.
Having trouble keeping up with you lot! Latest version below. Getting more controversial. Have edited out a few and combined a few others, but...
After a great deal of work knitting together the various pearls of wisdom from the past 24 hours, this is where we have got to so far........
Or simply Rule 16: Remember, it's Italian and therefore all about the art, the emotion and the passion rather than the outright speed. You should...
Rule 12: The only real Ducati is a Red Ducati