Separate names with a comma.
Bum its in German:Arghh:
I have just put a pair of Angel GT on my mates MTS1200. Off to Germany late May with him and another mate for a week should do 2000 - 2500 miles....
Guess they are also round and black:D
I hate post like this because it means I'm tempted to try yet another tyre.:) Still like PR3s but it makes me wonder if Z8 will be better. I put...
Brill and do you know it gets better ! Love mine to bits ! Hope we get a nice dry Summer so you can thrash its arse.
Unless you are a riding god I doubt you would notice on the road. PR3 seem bloody good to me but I'm just an average road rider.
When I got my new bike last September I got venture shield fitted. You can buy kits but its not easy stuff to put on, so I elected to have mine...
Abba skylift is the only one that lifts the bike to a working height.
Your right. Michelin site does quote 2.2/2.4 bar pressures MICHELIN Pilot Road 4 - Tyres On-road | MICHELIN - Motorcycle - United Kingdom -...
Checkout Oponeo prices Michelin Pilot Road 4 » FREE DELIVERY » Bought from these guys last time, tyres came from Germany and were...
Agree I must be weird also. Not a great fan of tail tidies either.
Yup I did the same. Bought mine from the US but a different company, stainless steel precision made but I paid more ! Oops. However it does the...
Funny old thing what we all like or not. I'm with Andy prefer function over form. Kept mine on to protect bike.
Go to Bury Hill quite a lot. Like the ride over the downs. Must meet up.
Your like a kid with a new toy HeHe:) Must admit mines 6 months old now, but still love riding it and cannot resist fettling it in the garage....
jcmental thats a sad post. My mate was complaining the other day when we had the first dry warm Sun down here in the South of dangerous riding by...
That's like asking what's the best oil, everybody has a favourite but in reality they are all much the same.
Here's a radical idea but how about the concept of less is more. Bikes are being laden with electronic gadgets, rider aids. For example power...
Hi and welcome. WOW! sums up the bike well. Love mine. Bought mine new last September and now clock up 3500 miles. So far mine has been 100%...
Have you thought of getting Venture Shield fitted to your new bike.