Separate names with a comma.
As above, can anyone help? Thanks, Darren.
Sorry Derek its not a great picture and I dont yet have an app on tablet that I can circle it, off to out to work in a moment but will try later...
Im thinking the same Derek, have swapped the relays and fitted another crank sensor which made no difference .... But Ive just pulled plug off ecu...
Hi Chris, no it doesn't , just dies and engine turns over on over run anything from 1 to 10 seconds then fires up and keeps going or or just dies,...
Thanks John, I havn't checked fuel pump or filter as yet but as tank is off I need to eliminate everything, I did change filter and hoses just...
Hi Jerry thanks for reply but Im fairly certain that only the P8 works this way and not the 16m that I have, both injectors fire all the time. Daz.
Had another go at it today, disconnected both the tacho and the 3 wire alternater plug and its still no different, as you thrash it into the high...
Ok after checking and rechecking relays, fuses, wiring etc I went out for a test within a mile it was just shutting down everytime it reved hard...
Thanks ducv2, will check all the relays again just to make sure on that point. Crank angle sensor was 0.6, fairly certain its not that as it came...
Thanks FE, had overlooked that, have already checked pick up for resistence and its fine in that respect, will try to get a look at it later today...
996 cutting out at 7000rpm????? Can any one steer me In right direction please... Definitely electrical as tacho needle dives back to stop then...
Was really hoping to attend but just have to much work on this week, hope weather holds out for you all. Daz.
Whos It with, Im very tempted to come down If theres any places Left...
I had a good day all things considered.... found FE staff helpful, food was ok....didn't go out till just before lunch hoping for break in weather...
Ill be there thanks to Jason B, and his unfortunate mate with a buggered gearbox.... May need some assistance getting my front sus set up, not...
Got an email yesterday from FE stating the same to, hopefully have it sorted with Jason B to take his mates ticket who cant attend. Daz.
Many thanks If you can help. Daz.
Pm sent, engine only went back together just over a week ago so missed the bookings.... Cheers, Darren.
Big thanks to Michael and all at Gotham Cycles in US, got some tools along with a few parts, had a small issue with part of order but was sorted...
Thank you very much Mark for good product, dialing the cams along with other mods has proved very worth while if somewhat costly..... very happy I...