Separate names with a comma.
B*llocks, Im away all weekend....
Yes mate I think we have been on a couple of rides together including the ill fated shrimy incident near Stanhope..,stay in touch if your heading...
Hi EL Toro, Im in Ripon, have added myself to map thingy.
Hi all, thanks again for welcome, sorry for late responce, been doing that silly working thing... Yeah you would have seen my little bro, he had...
Get them to clean the house while your at work...:smile: Can you not get a flatty on car or pull one more sicky? Seriously tho, can you not just...
yeah proper bad barstar*d arent I ...:smile: The tea and banana sandwich hasnt really helped, might try a shower instead... Anyone in north...
Thanx all for the welcome :cool: And yeah the sheep are ok... love eating dead meat anyway... And yes I am mad living here as far canal the...
Was on Ducatisti and still on DUN, been about here for a while gleaning tech info and laughing at the funny sh*t that goes on here... Darren